Raising Wild Hearts

3 Tips from Survival Mode

January 15, 2024 Ryann Watkin
3 Tips from Survival Mode
Raising Wild Hearts
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Raising Wild Hearts
3 Tips from Survival Mode
Jan 15, 2024
Ryann Watkin

Today's episode is what I need to both hear and teach....Hot off the mic and from survival mode! Email me at hello@raisingwildheartspodcast.com or become a member (for some rad bonuses!) here. ❤️‍🔥

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Today's episode is what I need to both hear and teach....Hot off the mic and from survival mode! Email me at hello@raisingwildheartspodcast.com or become a member (for some rad bonuses!) here. ❤️‍🔥

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If you feel inspired please consider sharing this episode with a friend, writing a 5⭐️ review or becoming a Raising Wild Hearts Member here!

Speaker 1:

Hello friends, welcome back to the Raising Wild Hearts podcast. Today is a special episode and a different episode, and it's kind of on the fly, but I wanted to jump on kind of in real time. I'm recording this as it's going to air today or on the same day that it's gonna air, and I just wanted to hop on to check in with you guys. I've got a lot of interviews scheduled coming up, but I didn't have anything to post this week. I didn't have any episodes in the can, so to speak, and so I grappled with what am I gonna talk about? And I just have to show up in the realist version of me. I'm in a co-working space, which I'm trying out for the first time. It might be a little loud. I think the sound is okay. My microphone smells like almond flower crackers because there were a bunch crumbled up in the bottom of my backpack and we're kind of all over the place.

Speaker 1:

As you guys know, if you've been listening along with my journey, we recently moved and it was literally like a whirlwind it was. We put our house on the market and two weeks later we were moving, and so it's, I like to say, when I'm in this space, like this kind of chaotic space. I really like to call it survival mode, because it's just like the bare minimum is getting done and everybody's just trying to flip and survive. There's no going above and beyond, there's just like let's all survive, let me survive. And actually, when I'm in this mode, I notice that I take better care of my kids and my dog and my husband maybe not him, but everybody else than myself and our marriage. Speaking of that, so I think this is a good opportunity to come on and just be real with you guys and talk to you about what I need to hear right now, and so I'm calling this episode three tips or three lessons from survival mode, and this is a good reference point for me, too, to go back and listen to when I need to hear this. So, yes, let's jump right in. Actually, I wanna talk about what I'm reading right now, because I haven't done that in a while, because I haven't done a solo episode in a while.

Speaker 1:

So right now I'm reading a book called Love is the Healer by Mary Ann C, and I love Mary Ann. She was a connection from a mutual acquaintance, karen Kenny, and yeah, check out her work, check out her website it's MaryAnnCSEAcom, and she's a beautiful, wonderful, intuitive. She's an author. Her book is beautiful. It's well written. I love her story. I'm about halfway through. She works with women who are pregnant. She works with intuitive transformations and a number of different things. So check out Mary Ann. Mary Ann, hi, love your book, love you. Thank you for your guidance in my life. She has been a mentor to me along the way. A couple of years ago I worked with Mary Ann. So yeah, yay for that, and actually I'll go into the tips for survival mode.

Speaker 1:

But one thing that's starting to feel normal is that I'm reading a book again. You guys know I'm constantly like here's what I'm reading, here's what I can recommend, here's what I'm listening to, and I haven't read a book in a minute, like it's been a minute because we met up until midnight organizing and actually not so much anymore. Things are starting to normalize and so my first signal of like things feeling normal was oh my gosh, I'm reading a book again. Things are a little normal. So yay for reading a book and yay for Mary Ann's book. It's beautiful and I'm happy to promote it and shout it from the rooftops. All right, so let's talk about tips from survival mode.

Speaker 1:

Tip number one nothing is permanent, so it won't be like this forever. And I have a tendency to think that it's gonna be like this forever. I've got a very active toddler boy and two very energetic and assertive young women, who I'm raising, who just turned seven and nine pretty recently. So it's a lot, feels like a lot right now and if I zoom up and look at the big picture I'm like, oh my gosh, it won't be like this forever. And many times in the day often I'm checking myself needing to go. It's not gonna be like this forever. This is like a snapshot in time and, as they say, the days are long and the years are short, and it's so true. Looking back you know, I'm blessed to have that perspective, even from my oldest child, who's turning nine, which feels like a time warp, but looking back on her birth and reflecting like when she was a baby and things like that, it's like, okay, this thing goes really fast. So that's always helpful for me to remember is that nothing is permanent and it won't be like this forever.

Speaker 1:

Number two is perfection is not an option. I knew before I hit record that there was like a little background noise, one of my microphones wasn't working. Something was going on. You know it's normally I publish well in advance. So I had a tendency to be like well, you know, if I can't do it the way I normally do it, or if I can't do it in this certain way, then I'm just not gonna do it. And I'm here to tell you perfection is not an option. And I wanna say I'm recovering, a recovering perfectionist, but I don't even think I'm that well into recovery. Honestly, I think that I really like things a certain way. My husband can tell you, upon moving into a new house, that I want every nook and cranny and rug and mirror and knick-knack, all the things, to be absolutely perfect and aesthetically pleasing to my eyes, and et cetera, et cetera. So in the midst of that and in spite of that, I realized that perfection is not a freaking option. It's just not so. Again, that's another reminder that I need daily, right now, maybe hourly.

Speaker 1:

And then let's talk about tip number three and then I'll talk to you guys soon. I don't know what's coming yet next week, but I do have a few interviews coming up. So it may just be solo again next week, me just sharing lessons from the trenches, or I might have an interview between now and then. So, yeah, I'll keep you guys posted, but what I don't wanna do is leave you guys hanging. I'm very committed to showing up for this podcast. I know that you guys are showing up, so, yay, it's fun to see the numbers and the consistency in my audience growing. So, yay, shout out to you Thank you for being here, thank you for coming back. I am here doing this thing, committed to it. I love it. This is one of my favorite things to do is to sit down and talk to you and to share the amazing conversations I have with you. So, yes, more to come, actually, in two weeks. I'll share one more thing before we get into tip three. In two weeks, no, it's like a week and a half now I'm going to. No, it's like yeah, yeah, a week and a half I'm going to PodFest, the PodFest Expo 2024. And I'm really excited because I haven't attended a live PodFest since 2020, like right before the world went berserk. I'm sure you guys all remember that. So, yeah, I'm really excited to go in person to learn, to create and explore and meet new people and schedule some new interviews. So, yeah, yay for that. And I'm excited to share some of what I learned and who I meet there. All right, without further ado.

Speaker 1:

Tip number three from knee deep in the trenches, survival mode, chaotic time that I'm going through right now. It's interesting I alluded to that something that I have to again remind myself over and over. What's meant to be Oftentimes feels easy. So there's no forcing, there's no pushing, there's no ruminating, there's no controlling. Things just fall into place when you are least expecting it or maybe not how you envisioned it all. So, for example, our move of like. Let's see what happens when we put our house on the market and it's selling and closing quickly and just like everything, moving along in this certain way. It was like well, if we wanted a sign from the universe, like here it is.

Speaker 1:

Oftentimes I am one of the areas in my life I'm pushing, forcing, et cetera is well, it's multifaceted, but my business ventures and ways to monetize my personal brand, which is like part of it is this podcast, part of it is like my old coaching biz Even before that I was a college consultant. So ways to create my own business, in a nutshell, and make money for myself. And or partnering with companies doing consulting, contracted work, freelance work, things like that and so many things like that have come and go throughout the years for me, and something to remind myself is that when it's meant to be, when it's the right thing, when it's the thing that feels good and flows, it's the thing that's right for me and for you. And so I wonder if you notice this in your life, like when it's flowy and easy and you don't have to push or control or worry about an outcome like maybe that's a hint, maybe that's a sign from grace, from God, from the universe, that that is the thing that you're meant to be doing. It's interesting because our homeschooling journey has been very much like that for me. When both of my kids preschools closed down in spring 2020, I was like, okay, I guess this is what we're doing, because there was no other option for me in my mind at that point, and since then, I've continued on this path, and this path of homeschooling has unfolded and ebbed and flowed and changed, and so, yeah, that's one of the things for me where it was like fell in my lap, was really easy have a ton of connections, have a ton of families in my circle who want to homeschool, are homeschooling, et cetera, et cetera, and it was easy. And so that right now is meant to be. And even now still and this is my last thought before I sign off for the week even now still, I go back and forth with how can I balance there's that word that I love how can I balance my career pursuits, my passions, my hobbies, my interests, et cetera, with showing up for my kids, being present for them, having a big part and a big say in their education, having them home most of the time, or let's call it like 50% of the time, as compared to a traditional school day schedule where a kid would be gone six, seven, eight hours a day. So, yeah, that's something that I'm balancing. So, tip number three, what's meant to be is typically easy.

Speaker 1:

Hustling is not the answer, which is a hard one for me to swallow because I'm a hustler, and it's funny now that things are kind of slowing down from the move and I'm not in this like go, push, organize, figure out, purchase, you know mode, like things are becoming normal. I'm looking back, going like, oh, my gosh, I was like hustling so hard to like make this move happen and get everything in order. La, la, la la. So anyway, and the non-hustle feels weird for me. It's not my natural state, as you guys might know from listening to this pod. Peace, relaxation, calm is not necessarily my natural state. However, upon feeling glimpses of those things, I'm like, oh, that's when we can flow, that's when we can, you know, be our best selves and not have to worry about anything. So, okay, that's what I got for you this week. Thanks for showing up, thanks for being here, happy you're here and I'm happy that I jumped on and just checked in with you guys real quick to let you know what's going on. I'm kind of looking at this as like season three, like an unofficial kickoff to season three, because I'm kind of starting from today. I'm starting from baseline, moving forward. So, yay, happy new year.

Speaker 1:

Hope you guys are enjoying the interviews that you've listened to so far. There've been some really amazing ones and there's more amazing ones to come. Let me know what you wanna hear more of. Hello at raisingwildheartspodcastcom. Let me know what questions you have for any of the past guests too, because, like I've said before, I'm getting ready to invite our most popular past guests back on for round two of some interviews, and I'm sure you know who those people are. Yeah, let me know all the things and I will talk to you guys next week. I can't wait to share what I learned at Podvest and I can't wait to share either an interview or solo up next week I'm not sure which one, but talk to you guys then. All right, bye.